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Community Events

Community Events

3 ways to share your thoughts on Robinson St.

The City of Orlando and the Florida Department of Transportation are working hard to make sure Robinson St. meets the needs of the community. They are currently working on a study to identify and objectively evaluate a full range of possible improvements to address multimodal safety and mobility along the […]

Community Events

International Walk to School Day happening Oct. 5

It’s that time of year again – students across the globe will be hitting the sidewalks for International Walk to School Day. BFF wants to remind kids and parents to stay alert, whether walking or driving, and practice all the rules of the road. The following Orange County Public Schools […]

Community Events

Join Walk90 Challenge for chance to win

Did you know you can win awesome prizes like Fitbits or an Apple watch by doing something as simple as walking? You can by joining Healthy Central Florida’s Walk90 Challenge – a fun, FREE, 90-day walking program to help our community be the healthiest in the nation, one step at a […]

Community Events

BFF hits the streets for Stop on Red Week

If you were at the intersection of SR 438 and Pine Hills Rd. last week, you may have seen an important message: Always. Stop. On. Red. Red-light running is the leading cause of urban crashes, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. In fact, more than 10,700 people were […]

Community Events

BFF heads back-to-school

Parents of OCPS students were the only people gearing up to head back to school. We headed across the region to make sure kids were stocked up on pencils, iY4Peds stickers and pedestrian safety coloring books – attending four different events in just one week! Parents, remind your kids how […]