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People On Foot

People On Foot

Fact Sheet: Best Foot Forward for Pedestrian Safety

FACT SHEET FURTHER INFORMATION: Amanda Day (407) 716-8221 [email protected] Fact Sheet Best Foot Forward For Pedestrian Safety   Orlando is the most dangerous city for pedestrians in the nation, according to Transportation America   Four Florida metropolitan areas were ranked as the most dangerous places to walk. Metro Orlando Tampa-St. […]

Newsletter / People On Foot

Counting Peds & Cyclists

MetroPlan Orlando recruited volunteers for the first ever bicycle and pedestrian count in Central Florida.  Planning students, cycling enthusiasts, and pedestrian safety advocates monitored key locations, including future SunRail stations and areas that have proved hazardous for peds and cyclists.   The results shall contribute to a nation wide effort to […]

Steps for Student Safety
News To Use / Newsletter / People On Foot

Steps for Student Safety

BWCF’s pedestrian safety initiative, Best Foot Forward, celebrated their yearly stand against pedestrian injuries with International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 9. Check out some of the schools that participated below or watch a brief video recap of this year’s celebrations. This year over 40 OCPS schools participated […]

Want to learn more about Best Foot Forward?
People On Foot

Want to learn more about Best Foot Forward?

If you’re a pedestrian safety supporter who wants to learn more about the ped safety initiative that is Best Foot Forward, check out the website: iyieldforpeds.org or the Facebook page for updates and more information!

People On Foot

Summer Safety Alert: Look out for Pedestrians

Orlando Police Department and Orange County Sheriff’s Office Conduct a Series of Pedestrian Crosswalk Enforcement Actions in June What:   School is out and summer is here.  No better time to remind drivers to expect more pedestrians crossing the roads, with the 184,000 Orange County students on break and the thousands […]