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Collaborative Efforts in Pedestrian Safety: Bike/Walk Central Florida and Smart Growth America

At Bike/Walk Central Florida (BWCF), our mission to build safer, more walkable, and bikeable communities was strengthened through a meaningful collaboration with Smart Growth America. This partnership allowed us to shine a light on the stories of victims and advocates working to improve pedestrian safety in Florida, resulting in the impactful video, Walking in One of the Most Deadly States in America.” The video responds to Florida’s alarming ranking as the second most deadly state for pedestrians in this year’s Dangerous by Design report, highlighting how the prioritization of faster car travel has worsened safety risks. It calls for a shift in focus towards protecting all road users by advocating for a balanced, safety-first approach to transportation infrastructure.

Through this project, we’ve been able to amplify our message, stressing the need for meaningful policy changes and community-wide engagement in prioritizing the safety of pedestrians over speed and convenience. The collaboration with Smart Growth America has not only raised awareness but has sparked necessary conversations to drive future action.

The video underscores the critical need for improved pedestrian safety in Central Florida, blending personal stories with expert insights. BWCF board members Franki Gonzalez and Marty Derrow share their harrowing experiences of being seriously injured by vehicles, putting a human face on alarming pedestrian statistics, and highlighting the urgent need for safer streets. Complementing their narratives, contributions from Delila Smalley of Safe Streets Orlando, State Representative Anna V. Eskamani, and ETM engineer, former BWCF board member and former board chair Billy Hattaway advocate for stronger safety measures and emphasize the collective responsibility to address these persistent challenges.

Orlando’s progress in moving from the most dangerous metro area for pedestrians to the 18th spot is encouraging. However, with eight Florida cities still ranked among the top 20 most dangerous, the urgency for sustained focus and action remains. While this improvement is notable, it highlights that much more work is needed to ensure the safety of all road users and to continue reducing pedestrian-related fatalities and injuries throughout the state.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Map Florida
Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Report Jan-June 2024 – 11,093 Total Crashes, 1,102 Serious Injuries, 403 Fatalities – Florida Traffic Safety Dashboard – Signal Four Analytics

These collective voices powerfully remind us that while achieving safer streets is complex, the ongoing efforts of BWCF and other advocates are steering Central Florida in the right direction. Through heightened awareness and collaboration, there is hope that Orlando and Florida will continue to improve their pedestrian safety standings and protect more lives. According to Smart Growth America, Orlando is already making significant strides through the Vision Zero Orlando Action Plan, which focuses on high-risk areas and implements long-term traffic calming measures. Additionally, the city’s Quick Build Guide is delivering immediate safety projects while planning for future infrastructure improvements.

The Dangerous by Design report consistently ranks Florida cities as some of the most dangerous for pedestrians, underscoring the pressing need for strategic safety interventions. At BWCF, our commitment to creating safer streets is evident through our Best Foot Forward (BFF) initiative, which uses data to drive meaningful improvements in pedestrian safety. A prime example of BFF’s success is in Seminole County, where a monitored crosswalk saw a significant improvement in driver yield rates—from just 15% to 41%—after the installation of R1-5b signs and stop bars.

This accomplishment highlights the power of targeted, data-driven strategies in making roads safer for pedestrians. The progress made in Seminole County reflects the positive impact of collaboration between local authorities and safety advocates, showing that meaningful infrastructure improvements can yield measurable results in preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of all road users. These efforts are particularly crucial in Florida, where pedestrian fatalities remain alarmingly high.

Advocating for pedestrian safety is not just about statistics; it’s about protecting lives and making communities more walkable and bikeable for everyone. With Florida’s cities consistently ranking high in danger for pedestrians, initiatives like BFF are vital. They help reduce fatalities and injuries by fostering a culture of safety, pushing for infrastructure improvements, and encouraging community engagement. This work is essential in ensuring safer, more equitable transportation options for residents across the state.

The collaborative efforts between Smart Growth America and Bike/Walk Central Florida exemplify the power of partnerships in advancing pedestrian safety. This recent project underscores our shared commitment to reducing pedestrian fatalities and improving road safety across Central Florida. By engaging community members, advocates, and policymakers, we are making meaningful progress. However, the journey is far from over. We invite all stakeholders to stay involved, support future initiatives, and continue driving change. Whether by volunteering, advocating, or donating, every effort counts. Join us today and help create a safer, more walkable community. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

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