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Ideas to Boost Business in Downtown Orlando – Project DTO

Big Idea Compilation v.8.4.2014

Each of the Project DTO Task Force Committees was charged with discovering what people think about Downtown Orlando. What are our shortcomings? What can we do better? How do we advance our downtown? Committees used a variety of public outreach techniques, including social media, interviews with stakeholders, public opinion surveys, and collaboratives such as the Midday Mingle. Task force committees also researched urbanist trends in other cities and spent considerable time simply observing firsthand how downtown works. This “Big Idea Compilation” is a report of our findings. The purpose of this report is to give the Project DTO Executive Advisory Committee the information it needs to formulate policy recommendations to the City of Orlando and the Orlando Community Redevelopment Agency.

Accessed from: http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/adview?ai=B661nJZrrU6lwh4D6A8mPgOANiefLugUAAAAQASCpltofOABYmZfpiK4BYMm2uIfco9wQsgETd3d3LmJpempvdXJuYWxzLmNvbboBCWdmcF9pbWFnZcgBCdoBX2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuYml6am91cm5hbHMuY29tL29ybGFuZG8vYmxvZy8yMDE0LzA4L3Byb2plY3QtZHRvcy0yMi1pZGVhcy10by1ib29zdC1idXNpbmVzcy1pbi5odG1smALohAHAAgLgAgDqAhUvNDYzNS9iemoub3JsYW5kby9vb3D4AoPSHpAD4AOYA-ADqAMB4AQBkgULCAcQARgBIMGZ6BiSBQsIBxABGAEg6fP8GJIFCwgHEAEYASCZneoYoAYg&sigh=UQv0nCXlt_I&adurl=http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/imgad?id=CICAgKCNn-yIxgEQARgBMggPKtH7CIiUnA%26t%3D10%26cT%3Dhttp%253A//bizjournals.com%26l%3Dhttp%253A//media.bizj.us/view/img/3378431/big-idea-compilation-842014-final.4.2014%252520final.pdf



Pedestrian and Bike-oriented Downtown

Commit to walkability and creating the Nation’s best pedestrian environments


Upgraded and enhanced pedestrian connections and crossings


Connect walking/biking paths between neighborhoods, places, and districts


Create more shade to encourage pedestrian activity


Green spines connecting all of Downtown with Complete Streets–pedestrian and bike prioritized


Reevaluate accessible pedestrian crossings and passages, especially adjacent to sidewalk cafes–pedestrian environment should be prioritized and maximized

Superior walking and bicycling experience


Wider, repaired sidewalks; more street trees and shade; enhanced LED street lighting


Ped and Bike Corridors linking areas of Downtown


Complete Orlando Urban Trail and add more routes


Bike rental stations along Trails and biking corridors


Walkability around new MLS stadium to be prioritized


Bike amenities – parking/storage/shower hub



Facilitate pop-up performances and arts showcase opportunities


Event-friendly permitting process/City-environment


Signature multi-day event drawing regional and national crowds


Family-oriented events


Special events on Church Street


Embrace our history and share it through Downtown tours


Annual Parramore Jazz Festival


Bring baseball back to Tinker Field and add cluster of ballfields for tournaments


Annual “One Great Week for Downtown” volunteer event


Host quarterly “meet your neighbors” events in various neighborhoods


Annual diversity celebration event


Events for seniors


Plazas, Parks, and Open Space

More plazas

Activate plazas with seating, food, events, and temp uses

Bonuses for inclusion of plazas in new development

Pine/Orange is a key location for pocket park or space for pop-up retail

Pocket parks

Temporary uses for vacant lots in Parramore and South Eola

More playgrounds


Dog Parks: Uptown and South Eola


Activate and connect Lake Lucerne to Downtown core


Activate Heritage Square


Complete path around Lake Ivanhoe

More green space


Promote CNL Arts Plaza as a primary place in Downtown

CNL Arts Plaza activated at all times, not just during events

Plant more trees in the CRA


Purchase Constitution Green for use as permanent park


Increase City’s tree canopy goal from 40% to 50%


Coordinated system/network of open space, parks, and green streets in Downtown, connecting places


World-class, family-themed park



Demonstration Areas


Shade on Wall St Plaza


New open spaces north of Colonial Drive



Active and passive recreation


Downtown sports leagues

Recreation fields/courts for sports leagues


Youth sports programs


Interactive, accessible play and exercise equipment


Indoor spaces for families


Iconic Public Art


Grand Boulevard/Pedestrian Mall 

Magnolia Ave


Washington St


Orange Ave


Pine St


Lake Eola Park

Loch Haven Park


Redesigned master plan including merchants, beach, art, etc.


New Amphitheater


Redesigned Amphitheater


Redesigned master plan including merchants/dining, active park uses, etc.


Multimodal transportation connection to Downtown core


Coordinate branding and marketing efforts with Visit Orlando, EDC, and Tourist Development Council


World class cultural destination

Orlando = Opportunity

Authentic Orlando

Communicating the holistic urban experience that Downtown offers

Urban sophistication

Accessible and intuitive to visitors

Embrace our intimate city size

Focus on being a Millennial Magnet

Social media buzz


Increase marketing budget to provide for a concerted, long-term marketing plan for Downtown

Creativity – be as creative as our citizens

Marketing campaign to promote our neighborhoods and historic districts


City and Downtown websites to include historic info, tour info, Downtown & Main St events, etc.


Promote the drop in crime in Parramore through a marketing program


Create an Urban Market



Alignment with Visit Orlando, EDC, and other agencies


Visible presence of Visit Orlando in Downtown


Strengthen coordination and alighment of priorities with FDOT

Partnerships with Orange County, LYNX, and State to establish consisten funding sources for transportation needs, operations and maintenance

Collaboration between Orange Blossom Trail CRA and Downtown CRA to promote economic development along OBT corridor


Hands on Orlando and Heart of Florida United Way to develop opportunities for civic involvement


City roles and internal protocol

Create an Arts & Culture Department with professional administrators, annual revenue stream, and a new City Board to administer the budget


Create an Event Programming staff position


Make it customary for each meeting to begin with a “meet and greet”


Create a Chief of Health position


Urban Design

District Creation

Redraft the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines


Include outdoor public space for arts and cultural amenities

Requirements/incentives for iconic skyline and architecture

Updated Streetscape Design Guidelines


Cultural Arts District(s)


African American Cultural Heritage District in Parramore


Redefine the Cultural Corridor as Church Street from Parramore to Magnolia and Magnolia St from DPC to Courthouse


Expansion of existing historic districts


Create new historic or conservation districts in Holden-Parramore, Arlington Heights/Lake Dot


Parramore Main Street and/or expand Church St Main Street westward


Downtown’s Nighttime Presence

Bridge Districts – I-4 and 408


Wash buildings in color and lights


Interactive digital art displays


Permanent and Temporary digital art and media installations


Create usable, active and recreational space in the Bridge Districts, no more surface parking


Activate space beneath 408 bridges


Region’s highest quality education in Downtown


Create an arts magnet high school in Downtown

Repurpose part of the Orlando Public Library for arts education


K-8 school


UCF Downtown Campus


“Cradle to Career” education program


Reconvene the Downtown Schools Consortium


Lifelong learning opportunities available at a centralized online resource


Schools as community hubs


High-profile, distinctively designed museum in Downtown


Historic Preservation

Adaptive reuse of city-owned historic buildings


Creation of a commemorative park where historic structures can be located to avoid loss


Update all of Downtown’s Historic Surveys (Florida Master Site File)


Create new Historic Surveys (Florida Master Site File) for new areas


Historic plaque program


Neighborhood marketing program


Creation of a non-profit foundation to acquire, repurpose and rehab historic assets


Maintain existing zoning to ensure neighborhood compatibility of new developments


Catalyst Sites

Wayfinding UAOS, ULT, A

Identify and purchase sites that connect places and fill in gaps, and market for redevelopment


Dynamic, electronic, interactive wayfinding systems


Interactive kiosks that provide a police help-line in an emergency


Iconic Gateways/Markers for Downtown and Neighborhoods/Districts


Urban Agriculture


Rooftops and Skyline

Iconic Skyline/Rooftop Activation


Incentivize or require iconic rooftops and/or rooftop activation


Active Rooftop Program: active uses, solar panels, green roof/park, and/or urban agriculture



Retrofit existing street lighting with white LED on key corridors


Decorative lighting along the redefined Cultural Corridor


Enhance lighting in public and private plazas


Conduct a light study of Downtown, fill in all poorly illuminated areas within areas of high density living and destinations of Downtown


Enhance and add lighting in Parramore to increase perception of safety


Bar Hours

Conference/Meeting Facility


Pilot Program: Test workability of extended hours with possibility of raising age to 21+ in the future


1,000 seated capacity


Free/affordable meeting space venue/public gatherings spaces


Expand SunRail services during midday, evening and weekends

Convert one-way streets to two-way traffic


Complete Streets network comprised of key corridors (East/West-Robinson and Washington, and North/South)


Eliminate regular vehicle travel on Magnolia (Lymmo only) and enhance the remaining ROW for pedestrian corridor


Transit connections between Downtown and Main Street Districts/surrounding neighborhoods


New Intermodal transit center to accommodate public and private transportation (Megabus, Red Bus, LYMMO, car and bike share programs, etc.) connected to a network of pedestrian and bicycle corridors


More bike racks


Transit link between Downtown and OIA is critical


Expand transit offerings

East/West transit option to bring in people from outside of Downtown


Restore brick streets in neighborhoods



Dynamic parking systems to enhance user experience, through apps, smart meters, etc.


Expand Valet Parking Services


Valet expansion at Church St, Wall St, and DPC


Eliminate metered parking during lunch hours


No meter fees on Saturdays

Digital Services

Downtown Orlando app


Digital tour of Downtown app


Historic walking tour app


Historic tour videos provided to OC Regional History Center, online and schools


App for citizens to notify OPD of panhandlers


City online tool to match people with local volunteer opportunities


Events app


Public Restrooms

Business Recruitment and Development

Add public restrooms in Downtown


Events should be required to provide trailer-style restrooms




Create/encourage pop-up retail opportunities: book sales, hurricane supplies, Christmas market, Leu Gardens plant sale, Darden test market events


Parramore Farmer’s Market in Fire Station #2


Business friendly City, easy permitting and easy for businesses to start up here

Streamlining permitting and M/WBE processes


B2B mentorship program


Information kiosks & digital architectural displays to promote local small businesses


Aggressive promotion of incentives and business-friendly changes to market DTO as most business-friendly city in the Southeast


Hoteliers, restauranteurs, retailers and cultural programming synonymous with sophistication


Commit to Tech and Entrepreneurship


Accelerate high-growth companies/Grow a billion dollar company from Downtown roots


Attract a Fortune 1000 company


Capitalize on Downtown’s location between two world-class hospitals


Support private investment and place-making to create world-class downtown


Ensure the success of Creative Village


Promote Parramore as next redevelopment opportunity area



Reinstitute formal Ambassador Program


Citizen volunteer program “Obassadors” as Downtown Ambassadors


Homelessness & Aggressive Panhandling

Support the Rethink Homelessness effort


Support permanent supportive housing efforts


Aggressive crack-down on panhandling


Develop a public education program surrounding panhandling


Crisis Intervention Training for OPD officers patrolling Downtown


City support of Christian Service Center, Rescue Mission, Coalition for the Homeless and Salvation Army


Development of database of homeless shelter availability


Public Safety

Visible community policing to enhance the perception of safety


Visibility of homeless creates a perceived safety issue; homeless is synonymous with Downtown Orlando


Downtown Neighborhood Watch


Transforming empty lots and blighted areas into transitional spaces for pop-up events


Safety in Parramore: CPTED, code enforcement, visible policing, more lighting, more surveillance cameras


Police substation in CityView relocated to the Men’s Service Center to combat safety perceptions



Commercial ground floor activation


Expand hours of operation


More unique, recognizable vehicles


Connect service to surrounding neighborhoods


Expand service north and south of Downtown


Reevaluation operations, routes, and overall community impact of LYMMO


Evaluate possibility of connecting senior residential buildings to LYMMO


Not mandatory retail use (must allow other uses in the space)


Development that seeks bonuses should not require ground floor mixed-use space


Mixed-income housing, development bonuses


Infill vacant lots within Parramore neighborhoods


Residential along Church St, and in Creative Village & South Eola areas, Incentivize


Encourage market rate and mixed-income housing


Elevate stature of other historic areas, such as Arlington Concord


Programs to help residents make aesthetic improvements to homes


Neighborhood associations in Lake Dot, Holden/Parramore, and South Eola


Neighborhood aesthetic improvement program


More affordable housing for seniors


Train hotel concierges on Downtown


Tactical Urbanism/Temporary Events

Support busking


Blow-up Orlando Swan that visits surprise locales


Dependable, inspiring surprises


Visible area of Downtown transformed as a social gathering space


Consider moving Chamber of Commerce and EDC into a central location turning current location into a full-block park



Civic and Social Leadership

Energy and Green Building Program

Invest in high-tech infrastructure (gigabit fiber optics) for competitive advantage of place

Undergrounding of overhead utilities


Free wifi/broadband technology in Parramore


Foster collaboration between faith-based orgs, service orgs, and civic groups


Create Downtown Faith Leaders Group


Host a quarterly open-to-call civic lunch forum


“Collective Impact” – addressing issues as a community to solve common issues


Incentives for energy efficiency and green building (new construction)


Create healthy workplaces


Implement property-assessed clean energy financing for voluntary energy financing


Resolve chilled water cost issues that prevent expansion/hinder development of new customer base


Develop iconic solar program for parking garages along I-4


Recycling program expanded for Downtown commercial and Multi-Family

Shared recycling space for Wall St and Lake Eola by 2015


Marketing materials on how to recycle downtown and concierge services by 2015


Better public recycling opportunities, associated with public art by 2016


phased-in recycling requirements for commercial and multi-family buildings by 2018


Low-Impact Development – Stormwater/green infrastructure demonstration project


Swimmable Lake

Improve water quality on at least one lake Downtown to allow for swimming,



Establish a Downtown eco district


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