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Post Tagged with: "Walking"


StreetsBlog: The Critical Difference Between 30 MPH and 20 MPH

StreetsBlog Network shared an article about reducing vehicle speed the discusses why decrease of just 10 miles an hour can save lives: It might seem like a small thing: reducing motor vehicle speeds 10 miles per hour. But that 10 mph can make an enormous difference for the safety of […]

News To Use

How does Orange County’s health rate to peer counties nationwide?

CDC interaction web application produces health profiles for all 3,143 counties in the United States Statistics might tell you that the state of Florida has a low prevalence of obesity or a high incidence of Salmonella, but have you ever wondered how health in Orange County compares nationwide? The Centers […]

News To Use

Streetsblog USA: Meet the Man on a Mission to Make Florida Walkable and Bikeable

Florida Department of Transportation District 1 Secretary and Bike/Walk Central Florida Chair Billy Hattaway and his mission to make Florida safer for walkers and bikers was featured in Streetsblog USA.  By Angie Schmitt Monday, March 30, 2015 Billy Hattaway just might have the most challenging job in any American transportation agency. As […]


Get maps for all of Orlando’s bike trails

Looking to bike around Orlando? Then the City of Orlando’s website has you covered. It’s a one-stop shop with all of the information – and maps too – that you will need. Print off a PDF of your favorite trail, say the Cady Way Trail, and use it to connect […]

Mayor Jacob’s Accepts the Challenge and the BCC Views the Pine Hills Improvement Plan: All in a Day’s Work
People On Foot

Mayor Jacob’s Accepts the Challenge and the BCC Views the Pine Hills Improvement Plan: All in a Day’s Work

  Tuesday was a great day for peds in Orange County.  Mayor Jacob’s announced her participation in the USDOT Mayor’s Challenge for Safer Streets, Safer People. Click here to see the video footage. “Today I would like to announce that we are joining the USDOT’s Mayor’s Challenge for Safer People, Safer […]