Scoops & Spokes is a two-part event that will help families learn how to safely ride and commute on their bikes on consecutive Saturday mornings, July 30 and August 6 in the Milk District, just east of Downtown Orlando.
At the ‘Bike Roadeo & Repair Day’ on July 30, you’ll learn bike safety, repair tips, and get fitted for a helmet traversing several skills boosting stations across approximately one hour’s time. By participating in the Bike Roadeo, you’ll be eligible to join us for a group bike ride on August 6, enabling you to put your new skills to use with an ice cream stop along the way!
Please Note: Guardians must be present and participate alongside their children and all participants must have their own bicycle.
Scoops & Spokes would not be possible without our volunteers and partners: Bike/Walk Central Florida, Florida Bicycle Association, Kimco Realty, Kelly’s Homemade Ice Cream, Kyle’s Bike Shop, MetroPlan Orlando, Plaza Live, reThink Your Commute, and The Milk District.

Please note: Participants must have their own bicycle.