Featured / People On Foot
On July 21, three local law enforcement agencies spread out across Central Florida for Operation Best Foot Forward – a high-visibility enforcement operation to ticket drivers not obeying Florida law and stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks. Many asked, why do an enforcement operation, now, during COVID-19? The answer is straightforward. […]
News To Use / People On Foot
February is School Crossing Guard Awareness month. To honor the 124 Seminole County crossing guards who assist up to 4,000 students daily, seven local law enforcement agencies will be teaming up for Seminole County’s first Operation Best Foot Forward crosswalk enforcement crackdown on Tuesday, Feb. 18 between 7:00 am and […]
News To Use
“We use the word ‘coalition’ here today, because we have an army of people working on this problem from all angles.” (Gary Huttmann, CEO, MetroPlan Orlando) “If you look around this room, you’ll find a group of passionate, dedicated people.” (Sheriff Dennis Lemma, Seminole County) “Our staff has been eagerly […]
Featured / People On Foot
The message of pedestrian safety and Florida’s driver yield law is spreading. 17 new partners including Seminole County, six cities, their respective law enforcement, Seminole Public Schools, Seminole crossing guards, the local health department and more are joining Best Foot Forward. Seminole County’s 17 new partners will join 21 existing […]