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Articles written by: Bike/Walk Central Florida


BWCF Chair Billy Hattaway wants to see Florida’s ‘move-over’ law extended to bicyclists

The News-Press looked at the state’s law that a driver must pass a bicycle at “not less than 3 feet” and found that of the 500 tickets issued to drivers who passed bicyclists illegally, only eight of those drivers were found guilty. Billy Hattaway, Bike/Walk Central Florida chair and FDOT’s “champion” for […]

Orlando Sentinel: Orlando adding many sidewalks
People On Foot

Orlando Sentinel: Orlando adding many sidewalks

Orlando residents can expect to see more than 22 miles of new sidewalks along city streets as part of a push to make life safer in an area often described as the most dangerous for pedestrians in the United States. The City Council is expected to approve a winning $3.1 […]

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Orlando Sentinel: Letting them go, one bike ride at a time

By Leslie Postal Orlando Sentinel If my parenting philosophy had to be classified, I’d rather it be more free range than helicopter. But philosophies can be tested when your husband says, “Can she ride her bike around the block?” and your first thought is a panicky question: “Alone?” My daughter, […]


Children take a break from the books to learn about bike safety at South Trail Library

The South Trail Library is a busy place on a Saturday afternoon. And it was a perfect opportunity for BWCF and BFF to talk with residents and children about pedestrian and bike safety. There were many kids eager to answer our questions about ped safety. The children were well-aware of the need to look left-right-left […]

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How does Orange County’s health rate to peer counties nationwide?

CDC interaction web application produces health profiles for all 3,143 counties in the United States Statistics might tell you that the state of Florida has a low prevalence of obesity or a high incidence of Salmonella, but have you ever wondered how health in Orange County compares nationwide? The Centers […]