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Media Release: Operation BFF on March 20

Get ready…Operation Best Foot Forward is here! The Orange County Sheriff’s Office and the Orlando Police Department are ready for their first “Crosswalk Crackdown” of 2019. Plainclothes law enforcement officers will be walking Central Florida’s crosswalks while motor units pull over drivers who fail to stop for them. It’s all a part of BFF’s Triple E approach to change driver behavior through education, engineering and enforcement.

Please see the attached MEDIA RELEASE for more information.


This go around, OPD and OCSO will be out at the following crosswalks:

Orange County

  • Alafaya Drive & University Boulevard: This location near the entrance of the University of Central Florida is crowded, both with people on foot and in cars. BFF doesn’t usually monitor intersections with traffic signals, but drivers failing to yield to PEDS when making right-hand turns can make for a deadly scenario. OCSO will be at this location cracking down on drivers who fail to yield at when turning.

  • Lancaster Road & Voltaire Drive: Rapid flashing beacons were installed at this crosswalk earlier this year, and a center refuge island will soon follow. Pedestrians often get trapped in the middle turning lane, with drivers passing them on either side. The refuge island will help improve visibility and provide a safe place for people to stop while crossing this wide road.

  • N. Pine Hills Road & midblock crossing near Alhambra Drive: This crosswalk, near residences, shopping centers and schools, has a yield rate of just 16% – which is the equivalent of 16 out of 100 drivers stopping for people in this crosswalk.

  • N. Pine Hills Road & El Trio Way: Our data collector witnessed a 3-car fender-bender while observing this intersection. We’ve been monitoring this crosswalk for 7 years and the yield rate has increased from 10% to 24% – making progress, but still too low.

  • Westwood Boulevard near I-Drive: Westwood Boulevard was recently resurfaced with some new crosswalk features added, and while the vertical lines of the crosswalk remain, the ladder stripes are gone. Fortunately, Orange County will be adding these stripes back soon. BFF will be gathering baseline data on this crosswalk to see if more drivers are stopping as changes occur along this road.


  • E. Central Boulevard & Rosearden Drive: This crosswalk has only a 7% yield rate, despite being located near several schools. BFF is seeking baseline data to see the impact of new crosswalk installations.

  • 70 West Gore Street (Midblock): This crosswalk was recently moved, and there is sidewalk construction nearby. The volume of pedestrians using this crosswalk increases greatly during lunch and breaks, but drivers don’t necessarily know that, or stop for them.

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