News To Use
If you’ve ever wanted to host a Bicycle Rodeo for your community, now is your chance to learn how. The University of Florida’s Florida Traffic & Bicycle Safety Education Program is hosting a Community Training and Bicycle Rodeo Workshop on Wednesday, January 24, 2018. The workshop will enhance knowledge and skills […]
People On Foot
If you travel through the Mills 50 and Milk Districts via two wheels or two feet, the City of Orlando wants to hear from you. They’re currently calling for all eyes on the street to share feedback on a comment map as part of the Milk and Mills 50 Main […]
People On Bikes
Winter Park is making great strides in becoming friendlier for those on two wheels. The city recently moved from bronze to silver status as part of the League of America Bicyclists “Bicycle Friendly Community” ranking. A “Bicycle Friendly Community” welcomes bicyclists by providing safe accommodations for bicycling and encouraging people […]
People On Bikes
Break out the holiday tinsel and battery-powered lights to decorate and light up your bicycle for the 15th Annual Holiday Bike Ride on Saturday, December 9. Bike/Walk Central Florida is joining our partners at BikeSafe and FDOT’s Alert Today Alive Tomorrow to give away bike helmets and share some bicycle safety tips at […]
Community Events
What moves YOU? That’s the question driving Central Florida’s second annual Mobility Week campaign that runs from October 28 through November 3. Spearheaded by The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Mobility Week provides the perfect opportunity to promote and explore ways to reduce car-use, test new technologies or showcase how […]