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Community Events

BFF heads back-to-school

Parents of OCPS students were the only people gearing up to head back to school. We headed across the region to make sure kids were stocked up on pencils, iY4Peds stickers and pedestrian safety coloring books – attending four different events in just one week!

Parents, remind your kids how to walk safely – look both ways before crossing the street, put away distractions and stick to the sidewalks. Drivers, stay alert to people walking, obey speed limits (especially in school zones) and leave the phones out of sight.

Huge thanks to Orange County Commissioners Jennifer Thompson and Ted Edwards, Orlando Federal Credit Union and Millennia Elementary School for letting us join them in getting Orange County students pumped for school. We had a great time at all of the events and look forward to a fun-filled year of practicing safe walking!

Check out some of our photos from the events:

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