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People On Foot

BFF joins in the conversation about preventable deaths

DSC03718BFF joined the Orange County Citizen Corps for their faith-based breakfast last week and learned about a variety of preventable tragedies from other speakers.

Melissa Belmont from Orange County Sheriff’s Office discussed crime, specifically car theft. They handed out bags with the slogan “Bring It, Bag It, Take It” to encourage people to place their valuable items in the bag and take it inside with you to remove the opportunity of theft.

BFF spoke about preventable pedestrian deaths in Central Florida and what Orange County, City of Orlando, MetroPlan Orlando, and others are doing to improve walking and biking conditions.

Lastly, we heard from Josh Gussier from the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, who provided the wonderful breakfast for the group. He spoke about the role of faith-based organizations to help their congregations prepare for natural disasters.

BFF had a great time hearing from these other organizations and providing them with information about pedestrian safety. If you’d like to have BFF attend or present at your event, please contact David at David@bikewalkcf.org.

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