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Bike/Walk Central Florida Newsletter #38 — Sept. 14, 2011

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Bike/Walk Central Florida


Bike Walk Central Florida, Winter Park Health Foundation and MetroPlan Orlando Launch New Safe Pedestrian Campaign

Bike/Walk Central Florida, MetroPlan Orlando, and the Winter Park Health Foundation are launching an 18-month  education and enforcement program to help make Metro Orlando safer for pedestrians. Funding for the effort will be provided by MetroPlan Orlando and the Winter Park Health Foundation.

In 2010, there were 59 pedestrians killed in Orange, Seminole, and Osceola counties. A 2011study titled Dangerous by Design identified the greater Orlando area as the leader in pedestrian fatalities, nationwide, over the past decade. In response to findings in the report, the Bike/Walk Central Florida “Triple E” initiative will combine aggressive law Enforcement with Education and low-cost Engineering to get more drivers to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, increase civility and create a more livable, walkable community.

“We all need to work together, as a community, to make our streets safe for children and families,” said former Orange County Mayor Linda Chapin, co-chair of Bike/Walk Central Florida. “Our goal, quite simply, is to get Metro Orlando off that Top 10 list.”

Bike/Walk Central Florida will conduct the study under the direction of the Center for Education and Research in Safety, a private consulting firm with more than 20 years experience and documented successesaround the world, including Gainesville and St. Petersburg. The Winter ParkHealth Foundation has agreed to provide $108,250 of the project’s $150,000 budget, with the balance of $41,750 coming from MetroPlan Orlando, as part of the transportation planning organization’s commitment to improving pedestrian safety.

Principal researchers Dr. Ron Van Houten and Dr. Louis Malenfant will work with MetroPlan Orlando, law enforcement agencies and traffic planners to identify locations ideal for engineering improvements and enhanced enforcement. The partnership will also include  developing education and outreach materials.

“An effective safety program involves much more than just educating pedestrians,” says Mighk Wilson, smart growth planner for MetroPlan Orlando. “This three-prong approach reflects what is necessary to make our transportation system accessible and safe for those who drive, ride, and walk throughout our region.”

Previous Triple E projects around the country have shown dramatic results, with the percentage of cars yielding to pedestrians in targeted crosswalks increasing from single digits to 80 percent and even 90percent. Follow-up studies have shown the results to be sustainable over time, with enforcement and education being key.

“In all it does, the Winter Park Health Foundation (WPHF) is dedicated to helping develop the healthiest community in the country, so itmade perfect sense to lend our support to this collaborative project,” said Lisa Portelli, WPHF Program Director.  “It is our hope that improved pedestrian safety will result in a community environment that helps people –young and old–become more active and stay that way.”

Work on the project is expected to begin immediately. Data collection and enforcement are scheduled to start in January. A final report is expected in the second quarter of 2013.  Outreach and education will begin in Orange County and expand to cover surrounding areas in future years, as resources permit.


Bike/Walk Central Florida (BWCF), a chapter of the nonprofit Florida Bicycle Association, promotes biking and walking for fun, fitness and transportation. Created in January 2010 with the generous support of the Winter Park Health Foundation, we are actively working to build a safer, healthier, more civil community through education, engineering and enforcement. www.bikewalkcentralflorida.org


The Winter Park Health Foundation (WPHF) is a private, not-for-profit organization supporting programs that improve the health of youth, older adults and the community-at-large in Winter Park, Maitland andEatonville. It also conducts research and provides education on health issues affecting these groups. www.wphf.org


MetroPlan Orlando is the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties – the Orlando Urban Area.  MetroPlan Orlando provides the forum for local elected officials, their staff, citizens, and industry experts to work together to improve transportation in Central Florida. www.metroplanorlando.com


Cycling Savvy

The next Cycling Savvy class will be held September 16 & 17.  For more info see:  



First Presbyterian Church’s 8th Annual Health and Fitness Fair

Bike Walk Central Florida will have a booth at the Health and Fitness Fair TOMORROW, Thursday, Sept. 15th from 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Stop by to say hello!

Recurring Rides

(The next First Friday ride is October 7th.)

First Fridays: Take it to the streets bike ride to promote civility: 6 p.m. on the First Friday of each month. Check our Facebook Fan page for start locations.

UCF Bike Bus: Downtown Orlando to UCF, then UCF to Downtown Orlando. Follow bike bus in real time via GPS at http://commuteorlando.com/bikebus/

Ride With Steve: Beginner ride. Meet at Winter Garden Wheel Works in Downtown Winter Garden, 8 a.m., Saturdays. – Sponsored by Winter Garden Wheel Works  .

See our Calendar for other family rides:



S-Cargo farmers market rides featuring utility bikes and trailers

Ice Cream Socials: night rides through Downtown Orlando


Unless specifically designated as a trail ride, our rides take place on public streets. Headlights and red rear flashers are required for night rides. Helmets are encouraged, and are required for children under 16.

We observe all traffic laws and traffic signals.

Our rides are typically 10 to 15 miles, roundtrip, and average 10 miles an hour, a comfortable pace for most adults and teens. May be too fast for younger children and adults with health issues.


These rides are social in nature.

For longer, more aggressive group rides, subscribe to Hal Downing’s group ride newsletter by emailing hdowning@whww.com .

If you prefer a slow ride bike group, try the Backpack Bikers, on Saturdays at 11 am outside by the bike rack at the 24-hour fitness club by Super Target near the corner of Orange Avenue and Michgan Street in the Crystal Lake Subdivision.  Contact Cynthia Morrison at cmorrison0414@gmail.

com .

If you have a social ride you would like us to help promote, please email me at the address below.


Brad Kuhn

Executive Director
