Bike/Walk Kids / News To Use
It can be tricky to capture the attention of parents and children for the important but sometimes mundane topic of pedestrian safety. So, Bike/Walk Central Florida’s Best Foot Forward (BFF) program staff decided to recruit a pro at entertaining children and “getting moms out of the house” for help. Richard […]
Healthy West Orange Trails Connection
On Saturday, Oct. 1 from 9am-12pm, the Healthy West Orange Trails Connection (HWOTC) will host a “Take Over the Trails Day.” The event will celebrate the creation of the HWOTC steering committee, while also providing an opportunity for the community to learn more about this collaborative effort. During the event, […]
With three distances and multiple speeds to choose from, the event has expanded with more opportunities for riders of all ages and abilities! Initially, the Bike 5 Cities event started as a solution to the question so many people ask us as cyclists, “Where do you ride?” To answer the […]
Bike/Walk Kids / Safe Routes to School
The Pineloch Plays it Safe event is geared towards helping you understand the rules of the road and keep safe while walking or biking to and from school and around your neighborhood. Improve your safety as a pedestrian and bicyclist! Who is Invited Pineloch Elementary students,siblings, and family members When […]
Cycling Central Florida
Have you walked down a multi-use trail and felt your heart jump as a cyclist whizzed past you with a narrow miss? Or have you been on a bicycle and almost crashed because a walker or runner wearing headphones, not paying attention swayed into your path? High trail volume can […]