Community Events
It’s that time again – we are springing forward for Daylight Saving Time. On Sunday, March 11, remember to set your clocks an hour ahead and plan for that hour lost. More importantly, be alert for more vulnerable road users out and about in those dawn hours. With the time […]
Community Events
Biking Works! Join Healthy Central Florida for a Bike to Work Day in Winter Park. All are encouraged to commute to work by bicycle that day for fitness and fun. Why not encourage your employer to field a team? Wherever you live or work, if possible, ride your bike to work […]
Community Events
A little drizzle wasn’t enough to dampen the spirits of Audubon Park Elementary students and parents as they started the year on the right foot, kicking off their walking school bus program on Wednesday, January 10. A walking school bus (WSB) is a group of children walking to school accompanied […]
Community Events
What moves YOU? That’s the question driving Central Florida’s second annual Mobility Week campaign that runs from October 28 through November 3. Spearheaded by The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Mobility Week provides the perfect opportunity to promote and explore ways to reduce car-use, test new technologies or showcase how […]
Featured / News To Use / Newsletter / People On Bikes / Social Ride
The inaugural Bike 5 Cities ride was a hit with media around town! Check out some of the great media coverage below. And, relive the fun with this video compilation! Getting There with Ryan Harper News 13 Community ride helps residents ‘take off the training wheels’ to practice […]