From racetrack to bike trail: Scott Lagasse talks bike Safety in the age of motorists | Bike/Walk Central Florida
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From racetrack to bike trail: Scott Lagasse talks bike Safety in the age of motorists

NASCAR Driver and FDOT Alert Today Florida Bike Safety Advocate Scott Lagasse shows no fear racing at 200 miles per hour around a track with 40 other cars. After all, he is protected by 3,400 lbs. of metal. But as he straps on a bike helmet and starts rolling on two wheels, his eyes are peeled for blind intersection zones and oncoming cars. Lagasse has had “too many uncomfortable run-ins” while cycling, which is what lead him to his partnership with Alert Today Florida.

Surprisingly, Lagasse is far from the only NASCAR driver who is working to raise awareness about cycling safety. Though it may seem counterintuitive, about a third of NASCAR’s top-tier drivers are also committed cyclists. In fact, directly preceding the Daytona 500, the Scott Lagasse Jr. Champions for Bicycle Safety ride pulls together NASCAR drivers, Olympians, and Ironman triathlon Champions for some friendly competition as they race 45 miles, ending in the Daytona International Speedway’s Victory Lane.

Lagasse joined Bike 5 Cities on Saturday, May 5 to continue on his path of bike advocacy—from racetrack to bike trail.

Don’t take our word for it—hear it from Scott himself in the video below.

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