Newsletter / Social Ride
Biking to Orange Cycle or David’s World Cycle this week? Well, now you can tie your bike up to a piece of art that also serves as a bike rack. The College Park Partnership spearheaded the initiative and sought funding through one of Mayor Buddy Dyer’s matching grants to fund […]
Do you cycle to work or a recreational rider? The City of Orlando wants to hear from you. Contribute your ideas for new bike projects and become a part of the Orlando Bicycle Trail Plan Study. The City has contracted with HDR to perform a yearlong study exploring local and […]
Newsletter / Trails
It looks like Seminole County will be asking voters in a special election on May 20 to increase sales tax one penny to fund roads, trails and schools. Today the sales tax is 6 cents, the lowest in the region. Elected officials say the dollars will be used to maintain […]
Newsletter / People On Bikes
“From fellow blogger Mary Shanklin comes this: The big ride-changer for Central Florida cyclists in 2014 is likely to be SunRail. Slated to open in May with stations from DeBary to south of Orlando, the commuter rail will accommodate at least 12 bikes per train. Tickets are $2 for riders, […]
Newsletter / People On Foot
MetroPlan Orlando recruited volunteers for the first ever bicycle and pedestrian count in Central Florida. Planning students, cycling enthusiasts, and pedestrian safety advocates monitored key locations, including future SunRail stations and areas that have proved hazardous for peds and cyclists. The results shall contribute to a nation wide effort to […]