People On Bikes
Lyndy Moore dropped an egg, complete with a colored-on face and green hair into a pile of Styrofoam packing peanuts. “This is the way a bike helmet protects your head,” she said. Then she picked up the egg (sealed in a small Ziplock bag) and dropped it on a tile. […]
News To Use
Smart Growth America (SGA) released Dangerous by Design 2019, the fifth edition of a ranking of the most dangerous U.S. metro areas for pedestrians. The report emphasizes the continuing epidemic of drivers striking and killing people walking on our streets. The Orlando – Kissimmee – Sanford Metro Area ranked as […]
News To Use
Operation Best Foot Forward part of back-to-school safety reminder for drivers to be vigilant as over 72,000 Osceola County students return to school For media inquiries, contact: Erika Beerbower Cell: 407-758-2727 KISSIMMEE, Fla – (August 15, 2018) Drivers be on notice. Stop for people at crosswalks or risk a […]
People On Foot
When it comes to people walking, the City of Kissimmee is putting its best foot forward – literally. Through education, engineering and enforcement (the “Triple E” approach), they are working with their Osceola County partners to create safer streets with the Best Foot Forward program. Here’s a great PSA, produced […]
People On Foot
The Kissimmee Police Department (KPD) and the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) conducted their first high-visibility crosswalk enforcement action on April 18. This crosswalk crackdown, dubbed ‘Operation Best Foot Forward (BFF),’ reminds drivers to yield and stop for people in marked crosswalks, as Florida law requires. If they don’t, the […]