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Post Tagged with: "Florida Bicycle Association"

Featured / Newsletter

It’s Florida Bike Month – 5 fun ways to celebrate

Did you know that March is Florida Bike Month? There is even an official proclamation from Governor Rick Scott. You might be asking…but isn’t Bike Month in May? Yes – it is.  May is actually National Bike Month (organized by the National League of American Bicyclists). Which means we get […]

2015 Share The Road Award honorees announced

2015 Share The Road Award honorees announced

Bike Florida’s press release for the upcoming Celebration of Cycling’s Share the Road Awards Banquet on November 14, 2015.  Contact Ron Cunningham via phone at 352-262-5798 or email at ron@sharetheroad.org for more information. A mayor who took up the bike-ped safety challenge. A visionary state transportation official who wants to put Florida […]