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Post Tagged with: "trails"

People On Bikes / Trails

$15.9 million in C2C funding – Where does the money go?

With his signature on the state budget, Florida Governor Rick Scott approved $15.9 million in funding for the Coast to Coast Connector project in the 2014-15 fiscal year.  The money has been allocated to 11 trail segments in nine counties in various phases of development: Feasibility Study or Right-of-Way acquisition […]

Community Events / Trails

Coast to Coast Reception to Honor Linda Chapin & Dale Allen

Celebrate the Coast to Coast Movement Special Guests Linda Chapin and Dale Allen Linda Chapin is a former Orange County Mayor and founding member of Bike/Walk Central Florida Dale Allen is President of Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation. Thursday, September 18, 2014 5:00-7:00 p.m. RSVP: Coast2CoastConnector@gmail.com Click to view the Florida […]


Coast to Coast on the Big Screen

Coming soon to a theater near you – a video about the Coast to Coast Connector trail!  Okay well maybe just your home theater, but it’s sure to be a hit.  The Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation is producing a video with the voices and images of the emerging Coast […]

News To Use / Newsletter

Be Outspoken!

Have you thought of biking to catch your next flight out of town? The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) wants your help to create a comprehensive bike access plan for the Orlando International Airport (OIA).   That’s right.  But, biking to a flight is not that unusual.  Airports like Baltimore–Washington International […]

Newsletter / Trails

Stay Informed on the Coast-to-Coast Connector

Get the latest news on the Coast-to-Coast Connector by subscribing to the C2C Newsletter, authored by the Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation and with support from the Bike/Walk Central Florida. With the Governor signing and approving the $15.5 million in funding to close these gaps to connect the 275 miles […]