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People On Bikes

Winter Park recognized as Bicycle Friendly Community

Winter Park is making great strides in becoming friendlier for those on two wheels. The city recently moved from bronze to silver status as part of the League of America Bicyclists “Bicycle Friendly Community” ranking.

A “Bicycle Friendly Community” welcomes bicyclists by providing safe accommodations for bicycling and encouraging people to bike for transportation and recreation.   Only 430 U.S. communities have been awarded a rank, and this step makes Winter Park one of just 82 communities nationwide to receive a silver designation.

Kudos to Winter Park for all of their hard work to make this possible. Their long-term, public-private community partnerships between Bike/Walk Central Florida, Healthy Central Florida, Winter Park Health Foundation, and the city’s Transportation Advisory Board show that, together, we can create better communities for everyone.

View the press release from the City of Winter Park.

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