Featured / News To Use / People On Foot
The Metro Orlando-Sanford-Kissimmee region and the State of Florida again top the lists as most dangerous for people walking. Smart Growth America (SGA) released its biennial “Dangerous by Design” report of the deadliest metro areas and states for pedestrians. According to the report, “Over the past decade (2010-2019), the number of people […]
Featured / News To Use
Today marks three years since the day Roni Braithwaite-Wood’s life was turned upside down. She and her son JT stepped into the crosswalk at Curry Ford and Conway Roads with a clear walking indicator on the pedestrian signal. She looked left and waved at a driver as they started to […]
Featured / News To Use / Newsletter
There’s no excuse for carelessly putting children in danger, and now illegally passing a school bus could cost violators as much as $400. Florida H.B. 37, also known as the School Bus Safety Act, increased the fines on January 1, 2021, for failure to stop for a school bus. Here […]
Featured / News To Use
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) recently released Pedestrian Safety Action Plan to address the reduction of pedestrian injuries and fatalities on America’s roads. “People may have preferences when it comes to transportation, but at some point, everyone is a pedestrian,” the plan’s introduction begins. “Whether it is walking to […]
Featured / News To Use
The Seminole County Public Works Engineering Division is seeking public input on the Feasibility Study of a trail alignment from Lake Emma Road to Ronald Reagan Boulevard, via Greenway Boulevard, the Duke Energy Powerline Corridor and Bay Meadow Road. This trail is identified as a proposed major trail in the […]