The Seminole County Public Works Engineering Division is seeking public input on the Feasibility Study of a trail alignment from Lake Emma Road to Ronald Reagan Boulevard, via Greenway Boulevard, the Duke Energy Powerline Corridor and Bay Meadow Road. This trail is identified as a proposed major trail in the Seminole County Trail Master Plan and is intended to provide improved north-south trail connectivity between the City of Longwood and the City of Lake Mary. In addition, this trail is intended to replace the section of the CrossSeminole Trail along Longwood Lake Mary Road.
Virtual Public Meeting – Due to the current Covid-19 related social distance measures, a project website has been prepared to allow online feedback from all project stakeholders, including residents. As the proposed trail may have impacts to right-of-way, existing trees and drainage features, we want to obtain feedback from property owners, in particular. A virtual public meeting presentation will be available online from December 10th to December 24th, 2020, during which time, stakeholders can provide feedback via the Comment Form on the website.
Project Website – You can access the project website by navigating to: www.seminolecountyfl.gov/cip1785317. Please sign-in so we can acknowledge your participation and interest. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status.
ADA Accommodation – If you desire special accommodation under the America Disabilities (ADA) Act, please contact the Seminole County ADA Coordinator Christina Brandolini by email at [email protected] or by phone at (407) 665-7940.
Contact Seminole County Public Works – Should you have any questions prior to the meeting, please contact the Seminole County Public Works Engineering Division Project Manager, Vasu Persaud, PE by email at [email protected] or by phone at 407-665-5707