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Articles written by: Bike/Walk Central Florida


BWCF board member Lisa Portelli to bike 2,176 miles in 19 days

We all enjoy a nice little bike ride. You wouldn’t be looking at this website otherwise, right? Bike/Walk Central Florida board member Lisa Portelli is taking the notion of a Sunday outing to the park or around the block to a whole different level. Long an avid cyclist, Portelli and […]

Featured / Newsletter

Denning Drive ‘right-sizing” workshop takes to the streets to make case for change

“Right-sizing” a street is no simple task, especially when it comes to including the community in the process.  And a road like Denning Drive in Winter Park has a lot of people concerned about its future for many, different reasons. The City of Winter Park rose to the challenge though hosting a hands-on, […]

Community Events / Featured / Newsletter / People On Foot

Walkability expert Jeff Speck visits Orlando

Lose weight, save money, help the environment. Those are some of the major benefits of walking, according to city planner, urban designer and author Jeff Speck, who recently spoke in Orlando. Walkability is key to getting people out of their cars and on their feet, Speck said. He defined walkability as […]

Community Events

Best Foot Forward out and about in April and May 2016

Our Best Foot Forward for pedestrian safety initiative has had a jam-packed community outreach calendar this past April – now going into May.  We’ve been all over the City of Orlando and Orange County visiting neighborhood meetings, school events and more (seven events and counting so far). Below is a timeline of what BFF has been […]

Featured / Newsletter

May is National Bike Month – 5 more ways to celebrate

Wait. Didn’t we just celebrate Bike Month? Yes and no.  March is Florida Bike Month.  But now it’s time to celebrate all across the U.S. with National Bike Month – hosted by the League of American Bicyclists. Established in 1956, this monthly celebration has been a thing for 60 years! You […]