SunRail Update
We have gotten an update from Mike Wacht, SunRail Public Involvement Specialist, about SunRail and Operation Lifesaver, a Rail Safety Education resource.
SunRail — Central Florida’s commuter rail system — begins operations in about a year. When this happens there will be 38 additional trains running on the existing railroad tracks from DeBary to Sand Lake Road south of downtown Orlando. This is reason enough for pedestrians and bicyclists to pay attention around railroad tracks and at railroad crossings.
There are some simple tips bicyclists and pedestrians can keep in mind to help them stay safe. First, stay off the tracks. Railroad tracks are private property and being on them is trespassing. With the number of blind curves, and trains running up to 79 miles per hour, there may not be time to get off the tracks and to safety. Second, stop and look both ways before crossing at a designated railroad crossing. SunRail trains will run in both directions, and just because a train passes going one way doesn’t mean there isn’t another train going in the opposite direction.
For more railroad safety tips for pedestrians and bicyclists, check out the Operation Lifesaver website.
Spring Cleaning Time
The 19th annual Cyclists’ Garage Sale will be held from 8 a.m. to noon on Feb. 9 in the parking lot of Orange Cycle, 2204 Edgewater Drive, Orlando. Deals range from new merchandise sold at discounted prices by cycling company representatives, to antique bicycles and parts offered by local cyclists. Six-foot tables are available for $10, with proceeds going to the Florida Bicycle Association. Tour de Cure (see Upcoming Events below) will also have a table with information. For details, visit OrangeCycleOrlando.com or call 407-422-5552.
Closing the Gap
A recent article in the Orlando Sentinel by Dan Tracy reports on the gaps in the Metro Orlando bike paths and the cost of completing the network of trails. The Heart of Florida Loop, which would run for 101 miles through Orange, Seminole, Volusia, Marion, Lake, Citrus, Hernando, Pasco and Polk counties, could cost $43.5 million, according to smart-growth planner Mighk Wilson. The article also points out that a 2011 study estiimated that the economic benefit from the West Orange, Cady Way and Little Econ trails is $42 million annually and supports 516 jobs. To read the full article, click here. For a reader response click here.
What You’ll Save
Commute Orlando had a great article by Mighk Wilson last month, in which he tracks what he and his wife have saved by using their bicycles for transportation and errands. He is not speaking just of gasoline and other operational vehicle costs, but carbon dioxide and ice cream (calories burned expressed in scoops!) as well. Check out the full article here.
Save The Date
April 20-21, 2013: Bike MS: Citrus Tour. Sponsorship details here.

Tips for Beginners
This from Beginningbicyclingtips.com:
One of the most important lessons in cycling, if not the most important of all, is this rule:
Look where you want to go.
It’s simple, but easier said than done. It’s important though, because where your head and eyes go, your body will follow. Look through turns to the exit. Don’t look at obstacles you don’t want to hit. Look far ahead. Don’t look at the ground or you’ll probably end up on the ground.
Just to complement Mighk Wilson’s statistics above….

February 1, 2013
See details below, under Recurring Rides.
March 17, 2013
To benefit the American Diabetes Association. Go here for details.
March 23-29, 2013 
See details here.
Bicycle Parking Map
From our friends at Commute Orlando: Peter Martinez has created a collaborative Bike Parking map, designed to help Bicyclists plan their routes and park their bikes on secure racks, rather than a stop sign or a tree. Read more . . .
Best Foot Forward is a community-wide coalition formed to reduce pedestrian deaths and injuries in Metro Orlando.The five-year initiative is currently focused on Orange County and will expand into Seminole and Osceola counties as resources permit. Five cities, two towns, and Orange County have passed resolutions supporting the initiative. Orlando Police Department, Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Florida Highway Patrol, police agencies in Winter Park, Maitland and Eatonville, and police chiefs from throughout Orange County, have pledged their support to the initiative, launched by Bike/Walk Central Florida and the Florida Bicycle Association, with financial support from the Winter Park Health Foundation, MetroPlan Orlando, Orange County, City of Orlando, Florida Department of Transportation, Orlando Police Department, Orange Cycle, David’s World Cycle, and Track Shack.
When was the last time you saved a life? Your contributions of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, or more, can make a big difference. Checks should be made out to the Florida Bicycle Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and mailed to: Betsy Holl at: P.O. Box 916715, Longwood, FL 32791-6715. Please specify that you are donating to Best Foot Forward.
Community Calendar Link
- First Fridays: Take it to the Streets: bike ride to promote civility: 6 p.m. on the First Friday of each month (Upcoming Dates: February 1, 2013 and March 1, 2013).
- UCF Bike Bus: Downtown Orlando to UCF, then UCF to Downtown Orlando. Follow bike bus in real time via GPS at http://commuteorlando.com/bikebus/
- Ride With Steve: Beginner ride. Meet at Winter Garden Wheel Works in Downtown Winter Garden, 8 a.m., Saturdays. – Sponsored by Winter Garden Wheel Works .
- Sunday Ride in the Hills: Ride 30-plus miles through the hills of Clermont and Minneola, Sundays mornings at 7am, beginning at David’s World Cycle in Winter Garden. Call Ross at 407-654-7071 to confirm.
- Unless specifically designated as a trail ride, our rides take place on public streets. Headlights and red rear flashers are required for night rides. Helmets are encouraged, and are required by law for children under 16.
- We observe all traffic laws and traffic signals.
- Our rides are typically 10 to 15 miles, roundtrip, and average 10 miles an hour, a comfortable pace for most adults and teens. May be too fast for younger children and adults with health issues.
- These rides are social in nature.
For longer, more challenging group rides, subscribe to Hal Downing’s group ride newsletter by emailing [email protected]
If you have a social ride you would like us to help promote, please email me at the address below.
Brad Kuhn
Executive Director
Bike/Walk Central Florida Would like to thank our sponsors: