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People On Bikes

BWCF’s National Bike Month social media recap

For National Bike Month, BWCF used its social media platforms to share the importance of bike safety and benefits of biking for commute and recreation.


  • 109 BWCF Followers/Fans
  • 141.4K Total Impressions
  • 138 Posts Total
  • Highlights of top posts in terms of reach, most talking, and top clicks
  • Comparison of 2014’s Bike Month Social Media to 2015’s Bike Month Social Media on BWCF’s accounts
  • Comparison of BWCF’s 2015 Bike Month on Twitter to the League of America Bicyclists’
  • Comparison of BWCF’s 2015 Bike Month on Twitter to the Florida Bicycle Association

Here’s the recap of BWCF’s National Bike Month social media.


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