Community Events / Featured / Newsletter / People On Foot
Injuries caused by motor vehicles striking people walking or biking are one of the top five types of trauma treated at the Orlando Regional Medical Center. Part of National Trauma Awareness Month – Orlando Health and BFF hung out at several crosswalks around Orlando Health’s ORMC campus on May 24, […]
Community Events
Do you know your street’s safety score? You know the street or streets you live/work/play on? They may not event have a safety score. But a new “Route Condition Tool” from the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council promises to change that. The tool scores roads on safety by analyzing a bunch of […]
Community Events / Featured / Newsletter / People On Foot
Lose weight, save money, help the environment. Those are some of the major benefits of walking, according to city planner, urban designer and author Jeff Speck, who recently spoke in Orlando. Walkability is key to getting people out of their cars and on their feet, Speck said. He defined walkability as […]
Community Events
Our Best Foot Forward for pedestrian safety initiative has had a jam-packed community outreach calendar this past April – now going into May. We’ve been all over the City of Orlando and Orange County visiting neighborhood meetings, school events and more (seven events and counting so far). Below is a timeline of what BFF has been […]
Community Events
The City of Winter Park, with assistance from GAI Consultants, Inc., will hold two public involvement meetings to discuss Denning Drive, its current conditions, and future possibilities. The first meeting, will be in a workshop format and held Thursday, May 12. The follow-up meeting, will be held Tuesday, June 7. Both meetings will be from […]