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Staff Blog: Womaning the BWCF table at Highwoods Transportation Fair
Community Events

Staff Blog: Womaning the BWCF table at Highwoods Transportation Fair

The transportation fair today was not quite what I expected.  I have never been to Eola Park Center before, and I was pleased to arrive to a moderately sized office building on the edge of Lake Eola.  I arrived early around 10:10, wanting plenty of time to put the table […]

Community Events / Newsletter

City of Orlando: One Less Car One More Park

The City of Orlando hosted the 2nd Annual One Less Car, One More Park event downtown near Lake Eola to showcase the activation of public spaces and green transportation initiatives. Twelve local businesses gathered along Central Blvd to each transform one parallel parking space into miniature parks and exhibits to encourage […]

Newsletter / Social Ride

College Park Turned to Artist for Bike Racks

Biking to Orange Cycle or David’s World Cycle this week?  Well, now you can tie your bike up to a piece of art that also serves as a bike rack.  The College Park Partnership spearheaded the initiative and sought funding through one of Mayor Buddy Dyer’s matching grants to fund […]

Community Events / Newsletter

Workshop: Navigating MAP-21

Interesting in learning more about navigating MAP-21?  Advocacy Advance – a partnership between the League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Biking & Walking – is facilitating a “Navigating MAP-21” Workshop in Orlando on February 25, 2014 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm at MetroPlan Orlando offices.  This workshop […]

Community Events / Newsletter

Lynx Launches SR 50/UCF Connector Alternatives Analysis

The SR 50/UCF Connector Alternatives Analysis Study is aimed at identifying issues, researching opportunities, and recommending improvements to the SR 50 corridor.  The results will be a comprehensive understanding of the transit needs in the area, a list of potential solutions, and the locally preferred solutions to meet the transit […]