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Orlando Business Journal: Seven goals the Florida Department of Transportation is targeting for 2015

i4-ultimate-408-304xx1863-1242-29-0Jan 2, 2015
Megan Ribbens

The Florida Department of Transportation’s District 5 has plenty planned for 2015. Here are seven goals FDOT is targeting for next year in Orlando:

·         Start construction on I-4 Ultimate, the $2.3 billion revamp of 21 miles of Interstate 4

·         Start work on SunRail Phase 2, north to DeLand in Volusia County and south to Poinciana in Osceola County

·         Finalize plans with funding partners to start environmental and preliminary design on SunRail Phase 3, connecting to Orlando International Airport

·         Open Wekiva Parkway sections 4A/4B with all electronic tolling

·         Construction on the I-4 and I-95 interchange in Daytona Beach

·         Begin work on Daytona Beach’s International Speedway Boulevard pedestrian safety enhancement project

·         Interchange lighting throughout the district

See full article here.

Contact: mribbens@bizjournals.com; (407) 241-2916; @OBJUpdate and @meganribbensobj

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