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Cycling Central Florida

Raising Bicycle Awareness for People in Their “Prime”

Earlier this year, Bike/Walk Central Florida welcomed thousands of seniors and gave away hundreds of free bike helmets at the “Orlando Sentinel Media Group Prime Expo.” The event was all about helping people over age 50 (in the “prime” of their lives) to live their best life.

The event was a great way to connect with people who may be new to bicycling and to help them learn to do it safely. It was held at the Orange County Convention Center on Saturday, February 23.

Bike/Walk Central Florida Executive Director Amanda Day joined three other women onstage for a seminar entitled, “Enjoy the Journey: Join Us to Learn About Transportation Options.” During the talk, Day showed people the different options they have to get around town, if driving becomes too much of a burden, including LYNX buses, SunRail, bicycles, etc. Other speakers included Trenda McPherson, FDOT’s State Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Coordinator, Laura Cantwell from AARP and Libertad Acosta-Anderson, FDOT’s Transit and Rail Supervisor.

According to Day, the highlight of the day was getting to give away 300 bike helmets, thanks to our partners at FDOT.

“At one point we had a line wrapped all the way around the room,” Day said. “It was really amazing to see how many people are embracing cycling and their bikes.”

Day said it took less than three hours to fit and give away all the helmets. She said she as able to use the giveaway as an opportunity to connect with attendees and answer any questions they had about safety on their bikes or while walking. Day said she often reviewed the rules of the road.

In all, Day said it was a great opportunity for Bike/Walk Central Florida to get to connect with a group of people they may not normally reach.  

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