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Ramping Up Bike Safety for the Summer

On the sun-filled day of May 22, 2024 at the Rock Lake Neighborhood Center, Bike/Walk Central Florida held the Rock Lake Bike Helmet Safety Education Workshop. Supported by the TableTalk grant from the Central Florida Foundation, the event focused on instilling fundamental cycling safety skills among community children.

Partnering with the Orlando Police Department, City of Orlando, and Orlando Health, we managed to create three interactive stations. At these stations, 55 children learned about crosswalk safety, bike maintenance (the ABCs), hand signals, and the proper way to fit a bike and a helmet. A special part of the day featured kids joining OPD officers on their bikes, practicing maneuvers like zigzagging and figure eights, all while reinforcing essential start/stop safety exercises.

Event Manager Anna Strasshofer, alongside the Orlando Police Department, demonstrates the essential hand signals for cycling, providing the young attendees with the knowledge they need for safer rides.

Among the kids was 10-year-old Alaija, a 4th grader whose weekend cycling routine never included a helmet, until now. She learned the crucial lesson that a helmet is more than an accessory; it’s a necessity for every ride, expressing how peaceful yet important it is to stay safe while enjoying her bike. And with her new helmet on, Alaija seemed ready to conquer safer rides, perhaps even dreaming of cycling around a track to perfect her biking skills.

Alaija proudly wears her new helmet, ready to ride with added safety!

Participants went home not just with knowledge but also tangible safety gear. We distributed 51 helmets, 46 bike lights, and 44 safety vests, along with a variety of educational materials and reflective stickers. It’s these resources, coupled with the day’s lessons, that will help keep our young cyclists safe on their future journeys.

The event was a reminder that bike safety is a continuous process, requiring commitment from both educators and learners. For children like Alaija, the day was a pivot point toward safer cycling practices. As we look forward to future initiatives, we remain focused on our goal: to ensure that the joy of cycling is always accompanied by the assurance of safety.

Stay tuned to our website for more on how we’re rolling ahead with future events and initiatives. Together, we’re not just cycling; we’re cultivating a legacy of safety and joy on two wheels.

For those interested in learning more about the Central Florida Foundation, visit their website at cffound.org.

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