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Bike/Walk Central Florida Marks New Milestones at the Packing District Ribbon-Cutting Event

It was a day of celebration, a momentous occasion that marked the meeting of vision and reality. The team at Bike/Walk Central Florida had the pleasure of witnessing the fruits of our collaborative efforts come to full bloom with the much-anticipated ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Packing District roadway improvements.

As advocates for active transportation and community cohesion, Bike/Walk Central Florida’s journey in this project began with a partnership with xGeographic. Tasked with a mission to extend the reach of the Packing District well beyond its geographical confines, we embarked on a comprehensive study. The goal was clear: to create a blueprint for connecting the district to neighboring communities and city landmarks through a robust network of trails dedicated to walking and biking.

We are thrilled to report that the event was nothing short of a success. Standing alongside Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and District 3 City Commissioner Robert F. Stuart, we celebrated the culmination of collective hard work — the outreach, the presentations, and the dedication. The new roadway enhancements not only represent a step towards more inclusive transportation but a leap towards a future where the safety and well-being of cyclists and pedestrians are woven into the very fabric of city planning.

At the heart of these roadway improvements lie broader sidewalks, designated and protected bike lanes, and a strategic roundabout that collectively foster a safer, more navigable, and aesthetically pleasing environment for all. And it’s not just about infrastructure, but about the message it sends — encouraging a renewed vigor for biking and walking as sustainable, healthy practices for city dwellers.

As we joined the distinguished guests in cutting the ribbon, it struck us that each snip was not just a ceremonial gesture, but a commitment to the ongoing movement for sustainability, community, and the freedom of mobility within our great city.

Emily Bush, Executive Director of Bike/Walk Central Florida, taking part in the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

A huge thank you to all our partners, stakeholders, and community enthusiasts for your support. We’re geared up and eager for the adventures that lie ahead on the newly transformed trails of the Packing District!

For an in-depth look at the event’s highlights, we invite you to watch this video for a comprehensive recap.

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