People On Bikes
May is National Bike Month—a time we get to celebrate our warriors on two wheels. As a bicyclist will tell you, there’s nothing like breathing fresh air, feeling the wind in your face, and experiencing your home city on a bike. Not to mention the benefits—everything from personal health benefits, […]
Community Events
What a great time to celebrate National Bike Month! Children are nearly out of school, spring is almost over, and the Florida heat has yet to reach full force. To help you join in the fun, we’ve compiled a list of fun bike events happening in Central Florida this month. […]
Community Events
What happens when more than 460 bicyclists descend on the streets of Central Florida, navigating 28 miles through 5 cities? They have a blast! They also gain invaluable knowledge about where they can comfortably ride their bikes to connect to different places. Beginning cyclists learn how to safely navigate […]
News To Use
After two years of extensive research, MetroPlan Orlando is sharing a new design for a 2-mile stretch of Corrine Drive between Bennett and Mills, it hopes, will better serve the community. The report lays out proposals for two sections of the study area. “The recommended design for Corrine Drive includes […]
News To Use / Trails
National Bike Month is a great opportunity for all riders, new and experienced, to explore the expansive network of trails Central Florida has to offer. To find your perfect bike route, check out the resources below and get connected to maps and descriptions of trails. No matter what your riding style, there’s […]