News To Use
By Dan Tracy, Orlando Sentinel In a notion that has been talked about for years, downtown Orlando’s roads could be reworked to slow cars and trucks as a way to encourage more people to walk or ride their bikes. Among the possibilities: returning two-way traffic to streets such as Orange Avenue, narrowing Robinson Street […]
Florida Trend Executive Editor, Mark Howard, wrote an article for the Florida Trend that highlights the Coast to Coast Connector trail. Mark tells readers that Florida needs this trail due for a variety of reasons – Did you Florida ranks sixth in percentage of adults who are overweight and 27th […]
People On Bikes / Trails
Stay current will all things Coast to Coast by subscribing to the Coast to Coast Newsletter. Each newsletter covers a variety of topics that all trail enthusiasts will enjoy. Check out the newsletters here: THE C2C CONNECTOR October 2014 The October 2014 edition of the Coast to Coast Connector […]
In front of more than 1,000 attendees at the Pro Walk Pro Bike Pro Place conference, the U.S. Department of Transportation officially announced that they will commit themselves to providing safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists under their “Safer People, Safer Streets” Action Plan. As stated by U.S. Secretary of […]
Newsletter / People On Bikes / Trails
Trail enthusiasts, take note: the C2C is just the first in a series of regional trails that are under development around Florida. The Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation is working with local, state, and federal partners on the following long distance trail corridors across the state: Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail will link […]