Bicyclists participate in Winter Park’s Bike to Work Day this past March. The event was organized by the City of Winter Park and Healthy Central Florida.
Another Central Florida city is now a BFC – a Bicycle Friendly Community.
The League of American Bicyclists awarded the City of Winter Park the Bronze Level BFC designation in early November. Winter Park now shares this honor with three other Central Florida communities – the City of Orlando, South Lake County and The Villages. All of which are also Bronze BFCs.
A public-private community partnership worked over the past several months to move the city’s BFC application forward. In February, Bike/Walk Central Florida (BWCF) and Healthy Central Florida(HCF) co-hosted a Bicycle Friendly Communities kickoff workshop and the momentum continued to build from there. In addition to BWCF and HCF, the Winter Park Health Foundation and the city’s Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Board also championed for the BFC designation.

Bicycle Friendly Communities kickoff workshop hosted by BWCF and Healthy Central Florida this past February.
Winter Park’s Bronze Level BFC designation is good for four years at which time the city will have to renew its application to either keep its current BFC designation or advance to another BFC level.
As the city pushes to become even more bicycle-friendly, Winter Park can meet additional BFC standards to upgrade its BFC designation. The BFC levels are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond.