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Osceola County is expanding trails for bikers and walkers

Kissimmee Trail over John Young Parkway

Going for a run or a bike ride is especially difficult when you run out of trail and are forced to turn around or suddenly navigate a busy road. Osceola County is working to improve current trails and close the gaps for a more enjoyable time outside.

Osceola is one of the fastest growing counties in Florida. Therefore, catering to the growing population makes sense within public transportation efforts. In April 2019, officials released the Osceola County Trail Prioritization and Feasibility Study. It lays out which the priorities for building new biking and walking trails.

While frequent bike riders and runners already know Shingle Creek trail and the Kissimmee Trail Loop, dozens of other trails are listed for construction, expansion or improvements. Almost 80 paths and trails are listed, and many intertwine with current paths or local parks. The study also explains which paths will be finished first. The Greenway Trail is ranked first on the list, and the plan is to connect it to the Veloway Trail.

Connecting the gaps between existing trails makes it easier for bikers and walkers to continue without having to make an abrupt stop or encountering unsafe traffic. The study’s main focus is to have a complete, interconnected trail network that feels safe for all people—from the occasional recreational biker and walker to those in the “spandex crowd.”

Outdoor paths aren’t just for the individuals who bike or walk every day. Everyone, whether it be young kids or retired adults, benefits from spending time on outdoor paths. Trails also provide a healthier, livelier transportation alternative for commuting to work or school. Even if exercise isn’t always your thing, just going for a quick walk is great way to unplug as well as connect with nature and beautiful weather.

Check out this link to read the Osceola County Trail Prioritization and Feasibility Study in full.

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