Judy Cevelin Pizzo, MSURP
Judy Cevelin Pizzo, MSURP, has a career of more than 30 years in Central Florida, working in civil, environmental, and land development. Across the past 14 years, Judy served as a transportation planner for the Florida Department of Transportation, where she worked with local governments, elected and appointed officials, and most importantly, the public. Her focus on corridor planning, evaluating state facilities, incorporated a complete streets philosophy, providing for bicycle and pedestrian safety and capacity. Most worthy of note, Judy worked on corridors, including:
- City of Cocoa’s S.R. 524 corridor road expansion incorporating a mixed-use trail, pre-PD&E in Brevard County.
- City of Titusville’s Main Street multi-use trail in Brevard County.
- City of Umatilla’s S.R. 19 corridor prior to resurfacing, which included bicycle and pedestrian safety as well as the North Lake Trail connecting Umatilla to Astor in Lake County.
- Evaluation of gaps in the Coast-to-Coast Trail within Orange and Brevard counties, connecting Florida’s west coast to its east coast.
Judy graduated from UCF’s Master in Urban & Regional Planning – 1st cohort 2013 and was awarded UCF’s Outstanding Alumni 2015. She is also a Member of the League Women Voters in Seminole County, a Member of the Advisory Board for UCF’s MSURP, and serves on MetroPlan Orlando Community Advisory Board.
Get to Know Judy Cevelin Pizzo, MSURP
Why are you devoting your time to this cause?
I’m passionate about biking & walking safety here in FL. Since retiring, I now have the time to contribute my knowledge & experience.
Earliest memory of biking or walking?
At four years old, my older brother took my training wheels off my bike!
How will bicycles save the world?
They’ll lower our carbon footprint and make us healthier and more social. Who doesn’t say hi to another biker in passing?
What is the most notable achievement thus far toward safer streets in Central Florida?
Bike lanes and seeing more of them! Increased education. People wearing helmets!
If you could change one road in Orlando to better accommodate walkers and bikers, which would it be?
S.R. 436
What city do you look to as a model for safe streets and courteous road users?
Winter Garden!
In 15 years, what does this region look like?
Hopefully safer for bike riders & peds!
How many times did you ride your bicycle in the past year?
Not nearly enough!