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Newsletter / People On Bikes

Multimodal Planning training opportunities coming to Orlando

MultimodalTwo new training opportunities will be offered in Orlando this spring on how to improve mobility in your area. Multimodal Transportation Planning and Effective FDOT/Local Government Coordination on Mobility Planning is scheduled for April 30 and May 1. Anyone interested in improving mobility through coordinated transportation and land use planning should attend – not to mention, each session is eligible for AICP Certification Maintenance credits.

Multimodal Transportation Planning will cover:

  1. The multimodal planning requirements of Florida’s 2011 Community Planning Act;
  2. Professionally-accepted best practices for integrated land use and transportation planning; and
  3. Opportunities to coordinate the transportation element with other local, regional, and state plans.

Register here

Effective FDOT and Local Government Coordination on Mobility Planning will cover:

  1. Multimodal planning concepts and strategies;
  2. The Mobility Review Guide and Checklist framework for identifying the relative strengths and shortcomings of local plans from a multimodal perspective; and
  3. Application of the framework by FDOT and local governments.

Register here

For additional information, contact

Christen Miller
CUTR Program Assistant



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