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Community Events

Out on the Town: Bike/Walk Central Florida Attends National Night Out Events Across the Area

Is there anything better than a night on the town with your BFF’s? We certainly don’t think so – and we had a blast meeting residents and teaching them about pedestrian and bicycle safety at National Night Out events in Orange County and Orlando.

National Night Out (NNO) is an event dedicated to bringing law enforcement together with the communities they serve. NNO is typically celebrated on the first Tuesday of August, but communities across the country host NNO events throughout the autumn season.

“Rock the House”

Our NNO fun began at the end of August at National Night Out “Rock the House” with Commissioner Tony Ortiz. Residents gathered outside the Sedano’s Supermarket and enjoyed live music, free food and drink, and had the chance to meet Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolon and Orlando Police officers.

BFF spoke with Chief Rolon, who shared how pleased he was that OPD works with Best Foot Forward to enforce the driver yield law and make streets safer. Comm. Ortiz spoke with us about how upset he was to hear a pedestrian had been killed by a driver on Curry Ford the night before, and said he felt motivated to keep working toward safer streets in the City of Orlando.

Neighbors stopped by our table to learn about our mission and share their concerns about crosswalks in the area. It was a perfect way to kick off NNO season.

The fun continued on October 1 when we went to two NNO events in Orlando.

NNO in College Park

It was a gorgeous night at Dartmouth Park for National Night Out in College Park with Commissioner Robert Stuart. Children enjoyed a bounce house and stopped by the BFF table to spin the wheel and answer safety questions. We taught kids and parents alike about crosswalk safety and railroad crossings. We also handed out magnets and educational materials.

Comm. Stuart stopped by our table, and BFF Tony Calabro told him about all the positive changes BFF partners had implemented in the area. He thanked us and told us he displays an iY4Peds magnet on his car.

NNO in Colonialtown

Over in Colonialtown, BFF joined the Colonialtown North Neighborhood Association for their “Illuminate the Community and Eliminate Crime” event. Neighbors crowded the block to meet law enforcement officials, enter giveaways, and build community with one another one another.

Plenty of visitors stopped by to get in on the fun – including Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Orlando Commissioner Patty Sheehan, Orange County Commissioner Emily Bonilla, OPD Chief Orlando Rolon, UCF’s Knightro, McGruff the Crime Dog, and Neighborhood Watch Specialist from the City of Orlando.

Neighbors discussed close calls they’ve had with drivers speeding on their streets and were happy that BFF was there with information about Florida Pedestrians and Bicycle Laws. BFF handed out magnets, FDOT reflective arm bands, and bike safety materials.

National Night Out is a great opportunity for residents, law enforcement, and elected officials to build community and commit to reducing crime. We’re so glad we got to be a part of it!

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