The Pineloch Plays it Safe event is geared towards helping you understand the rules of the road and keep safe while walking or biking to and from school and around your neighborhood.
Improve your safety as a pedestrian and bicyclist!
Who is Invited
Pineloch Elementary students,
siblings, and family members
Wednesday, August 31st
From 3 pm to 4 pm
Pineloch Elementary!
3101 Woods Ave. Orlando, FL
At the pavilion and basketball court
Interested in walking to school?
Do you already walk and want it to be more fun?
Come to the Pineloch Plays It Safe event and sign up for the walking school bus! Additional information regarding the walking school bus is to be provided at the event.
Watch Mr. Richard’s music video for “Left Right Left Yeah!”
The Walking School Bus Program!
What is a walking school bus?
A walking school bus is a group of school-age children who walk to school together with an adult supervisor.
Benefits of a Walking School Bus?
• Walk with your friends!
• Healthier to walk and ride your bike to school.
• Safety in numbers
• Kids who walk to school are smarter!
How Does the Walking School Bus Work?
Two (2) volunteers per morning and afternoon shift will walk student groups no larger than 15 to different “stops” along the walking route.
• One “one call” volunteer will be standing by each day.
• Each volunteer will commit to 2-3 shifts per week
• Total needs = 30 shifts per week = 10+ volunteers
Volunteer Requirements
Safety Training
• All volunteers will receive safe routes to school training before starting.
Work with Volunteer Coordinator Who Will:
• All volunteers will go through background checks to ensure suitability
• Coordinates schedule with volunteers
• Files attendance information
• Sends weekly emails to parents and volunteers to schedule
• Coordinates the route and route changes
When does the Program Start?
Put your name on the list!
• We are adding names to the list to see who is
• We will create a route based on where everyone lives.
We need volunteers! We cannot do this alone!
• Get your parents involved!
• Tell your neighbors!
• The sooner we have people trained, the sooner we can start!
Thanks to our Partners for Making Pineloch Plays Possible!

For more information, send a message to [email protected]