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Bike 5 Cities

Two Ride Options to Choose From!

The Guided Group ride will be divided into ride levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and will be led by knowledgeable and experienced Ride Leaders and Sweeps to ensure no one is left behind. Guided Groups will stop at each of the five host cities.  Depending on the ride level you choose at the time of registration, the length of time at stops may vary.

Please arrive early and look for your pace group: Advanced, Intermediate, or Beginner. More details will be provided with your ride day instructions.

Determining your ride level

  • Advanced: This ride level is recommended for folks who regularly ride 30 miles, if not weekly, at least a few times a month and have a cruising speed of 15 mph (That’s the speed limit on the trails!) There will likely be shorter stops at cities and a much faster pace than all other options!
  • Intermediate: This ride level is recommended for folks who don’t quite fit into the beginner or advanced groups. You’ve ridden the distance before, say a few times across the past year, and are looking for a bit of a challenge. Or, you’re an experienced cyclist and could care less about how many watts you throw down, but you also want to feel a bit of wind on your face. Whichever group you identify with, this will be a moderate-paced ride and an all-around fun morning!
  • Beginner: This ride level is designed for folks who may have never ridden 30 miles but are up for the challenge or those who have not ridden that far since last year’s ride! Of course, we welcome experienced cyclists who are more interested in some great sightseeing and a casual morning on the bike than setting any speed records as well! This event is designed for you, and we can’t wait to show you around Central Florida trails, paths, and best-kept neighborhood streets by bike!

Quick Facts: Bike 5 Cities – Guided Group Ride

  • Location: Varies – See Host City Information Below
  • Ride Type: Guided, large group ride with ride leaders at the front and back of each group.
  • Ride Length30.1 miles | Plan for 2.5 – 4 hours to complete with stops at each city.

Key Times:

  • 7:00 am | Check-In Opens.
  • 7:25 am | Group Information & Photo.
  • 7:30 am | Group Rides Begin Departing in waves starting with Advanced Riders.

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Bike 5 Cities Self Guided

The Ride on Your Own option is for those who want to participate and prefer avoiding riding in any size group. It’s also good for riders who want a faster pace or just prefer start, stop, and rest time flexibility. Self-guided riders must be prepared to navigate the Bike 5 Cities 30-mile route on their own!

Quick Facts: Bike 5 Cities – Ride on Your Own

  • Location: Varies – See Host City Information Below
  • Ride Type: Individual, self-guided
  • Ride Length30.1 miles |Plan for 2.5 – 4 hours to complete with stops at each city.
  • Times: You may start between 7:30 – 9:00 am

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Additional Ride Information

HOST CITIES: Start/Stop and Rest Stop Locations:

All Bike 5 Cities riders may select their start location during registration. NOTE: Each city and ride level is limited, so please plan accordingly, and if riding with a group, register early to avoid having to start at different locations!

Each city will serve as a rest stop with bottled water and refreshments such as fruit and packaged snacks. Restrooms will be available at the rest stops. We suggest you bring your own water bottle to hydrate in between stops.

Regardless of the ride option or ride level you choose, each rider will start and end in the city of their choosing at the time of registration. Those riding in the Guided Group Ride will have ride leaders to show you the way.

Everyone riding can use a few different methods to stay on course.

  • The Route map is accessible via Ride with GPS online to print or download to your bike’s computer, should it support navigation.
  • The Ride with GPS smartphone application (Android / iPhone) can provide audible turn-by-turn directions and is free for use when using the Bike/Walk Central Florida route!
  • The route is marked with large, 12” orange arrows just before and at each turn (on the ground) and yellow ribbon on poles along the 30-mile route.
  • Along segments of the route in Casselberry and Seminole County, there are permanent Bike 5 Cities wayfinding signs. Take note of the Bike 5 City sun and cyclist logo and orange arrows throughout this part of the ride!
  • A cue sheet will also be available at each start location.

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