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Make 2019 the year you improve your city

With 2018 in the books, many are beginning their list of New Year’s resolutions. Instead of sticking to the norm, why not think about making goals based on the city you live in and love?

A recent article from Fast Company highlights resolutions to not only improve yourself, but also your community.

Here are some that stood out for biking and walking enthusiasts:

  • “Choose different ways to get around your city. Walk, bike, skateboard, scooter, take public transit, as many times a week as you can. Focus especially on those short trips…”
  • “If you’ve never ridden a bike for transportation (as opposed to recreation) – and especially if you oppose safe bike lanes – spend a week riding a bike to work and other places you’d normally drive to. On one of those days, take your kids with you. Think about how you felt on every part of the trip.”
  • “Walk, bike, or use transit to take your kids to school, and teach them to do so on their own as soon as they’re able. Its safer, healthier, and developmentally better for them, and everyone else, than it is to drive them.”
  • “Get involved with (or create) community and advocacy organizations, especially ones that are for things, not just against things.”

Head to Fast Company for the full list.

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