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Community Events / Featured

Orlando Health talks safety with seniors

Shout out to BFF partners Orlando Health for their work in keeping seniors safe.

Orlando Health joined Orlando Police Department (OPD) to host five Senior Safety Summits. There, they offered information about how to avoid typical injuries seen in older adults – from shower falls to crossing the street. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), almost 1 out of 5 pedestrians killed by drivers are over 65 years old.

Some of the factors that put this population at risk include impaired vision, hearing and changes in mobility. Simply put, older adults may have trouble seeing at night and hearing cars driving nearby. This puts them at a higher risk for injury than a younger adult.

The Orlando Health team shared tips on how to promote pedestrian safety:

  • Be alert at intersections and do not trust that the driver will see you
  • Recognize how you are feeling and how that can affect your walk
  • Choose carefully where you walk
  • Be seen – this includes everything from your clothing choice to making eye contact
  • Trust your own judgment

Thank you to our partners at Orlando Health and  OPD for putting seniors’ safety first. For more information, visit their website by clicking here.

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