Three studies from MetroPlan Orlando and LYNX need your input.
MetroPlan Orlando
Do you live in the Apopka area or travel along the West Orange Trail? MetroPlan Orlando recently kicked off the Rock Springs Road and West Orange Trail Extension Studies, both located in the City of Apopka. The studies, which will run concurrently, are being conducted in partnership with the City of Apopka and Orange County. The location map below shows the limits of each study. Take the survey now through July 16.

- The Rock Springs Road Study will evaluate improvements at the Rock Springs Road and Welch Road intersection; along Rock Springs Road from Welch Road to Lester Road; at the Sandpiper Road and Park Avenue intersection; and along Sandpiper Road from Ustler Road to Lake Avenue.
- The West Orange Trail Extension Study will evaluate extending the trail from Lester Road to Kelly Park Road, tying into the proposed Wekiva Trail. This study will also evaluate two additional trail connections to 1) the Wekiva Springs State Park and 2) Wolfe Lake Elementary and Middle Schools and the Apopka City – Athletic Complex.
Several outreach opportunities are also planned throughout the 22-month schedule (ending in December 2022), including two public meetings and presentations to the City of Apopka City Council, Orange County Board of County Commissioners, and the MetroPlan Orlando Board. MPO also plan to keep you us updated and will informed about project milestones.
LYNX Ridership Survey
Has COVID-19 impacted your travel? Please take this brief survey to help LYNX understand how COVID-19 has impacted how you travel.